NSELA catalyzes leadership to maximize effective science teaching and learning in a complex and changing environment. If you are receiving this email and are not a member, we encourage you to join us and get involved!
December 2023
Contribute to the Newsletter!
We want to hear from you! Every month we'll be featuring a Leadership Spotlight to honor and appreciate the expertise in our NSELA community. Use the form below to nominate a colleague (or yourself)! Here are some interview questions to consider as part of your submission.Do you have an announcement you'd like to share in the newsletter? You can also use the form to submit a short announcement.
EDUCATE Keeping current with news in science education.
President's Message
As we approach the end of 2023, NSELA looks back with satisfaction at a successful year of Professional Learning and Networking opportunities. It has been inspirational to be part of the incredible energy as we gather again face to face with fellow Science Educators. The Leadership Summit in Atlanta in connection with the NSTA Spring National Conference was supercharged, and the Summer Leadership Institute in Providence, Rhode Island was over the top.
NSELA is now looking forward to the 2024 Leadership Summit in Denver, and the 2024 Summer Leadership Institute in Seattle. Come join the engaging conversations of powerful science education leaders! The NSELA events will include conversations regarding Science PreK-5, how to increase opportunities that support all students learning science, and much, much more. As we head toward the time of year when the days begin to grow longer again, we look back with gratitude, and ahead with hope as we work toward effective science education for all students.
Educating for Sustainable Development: Perspectives of U.S. and Global Educators Report
In spring 2023, the Smithsonian Science Education Center contracted with Gallup to conduct a study of U.S. K-12 teachers and school administrators, as well as teachers of students in comparable grade levels in four peer countries: Brazil, Canada, France and India. The goal was to gauge attitudes toward, and demand for, education and resources related to sustainable development. In the United States, educational resources exist within school and district curricula, which must adhere to state standards. Internationally, however, different countries and provinces often have a National Curriculum, typically directed by their Ministries of Education. This study was an outgrowth of the Smithsonian Science Education Center’s Smithsonian Science for Global Goals project, which aims to improve STEM Education for Sustainable Development for youth around the world. Download the report to read the findings.
ADVOCATE Connecting with NSELA committees, events, and leaders.
Leadership Spotlight
Shana K. Benford - Chief Program and Impact Officer at Project Scientist
Building relationships is at the heart of Shana's leadership style. Active listening and empathy are her guiding principles when connecting with colleagues and students. She believes in understanding their unique challenges and aspirations, encouraging open and honest conversations about experiences and effective collaboration
Shana's unspoken motto for success in science leadership is that she couldn't achieve it without a dedicated and high-performing team. Leadership is a collective effort, and having a team that shares the same passion and commitment is vital for driving positive change.
What’s the best advice anyone has given you as a science leader?
The best advice Shana received as a science leader emphasizes the importance of diversity, in STEM. This counsel underlines the necessity of fostering an environment where every individual has a genuine opportunity to contribute to the scientific community. There is tremendous untapped talent and genius all around us, we just have to ignite and engage curiosity while promoting creativity and collaboration.
What advice do you have for those pursuing science leadership?
For aspiring science leaders, Shana's advice is to be focused on impact over title; be unwaveringly passionate about their mission in life, dedicated to continuous learning, and resolute in their commitment to make a positive impact. Embracing and actively seeking opportunities to empower the next generation is essential for aspiring leaders.
What do you do for personal enjoyment outside of your professional life?
Outside her professional life, Shana finds joy in traveling and volunteering with her husband and children. Family and Spirituality bring joy and purpose to Shana's life. These experiences provide a balance to her life and still allow her to connect with diverse communities, enriching her perspective and leadership. Understanding and relating to the people she serves is a fundamental aspect of her approach.
Read Shana's entire Leadership Spotlight here!
Do you have someone in mind for the Leadership Spotlight? Self-nominations are welcome! Click the button to access the submission form.
Join an NSELA Committee and Help Shape National Science Education!
At NSELA, collaboration and shared expertise are crucial in driving positive change in science education. We invite you to become a committee member and contribute to shaping our organization's direction while advancing national science education. Our three standing committees - Communications & Marketing, Membership, and Professional Learning - provide incredible opportunities for experienced educators, enthusiastic advocates, and dedicated professionals like you to share your unique skills and insights. By joining us, you can make a meaningful impact on the future of science education. Come and be a part of something meaningful! Join us today and become a valuable member of NSELA, where your contributions will shape the landscape of science education nationwide. Together, let's create a brighter future for science education.
COLLABORATE Highlighting the work of our members, partners, and other organizations.
Featured Free Resource (A Selection This Month!)
TalkSTEM.org is a non-profit organization that has curated over 200 talkSTEM/walkSTEM videos for instructional uses for parents, teachers, leaders in informal education and instructional designers. These free resources are research-based, NGSS aligned and predominantly used to provide an equitable access for ALL learners to have STEM rich conversations inspired by curiosity and ingenuity. Learn more here.
Talk Science PD offers tools and resources for leaders to support a culture of talk in the elementary classroom, including talk strategies and case videos of classroom productive talk. Learn more at this link.
Going 3D with GRC is a website includes free lessons aligned to NGSS for K-12. Lessons include literacy components to support reading, writing and speaking in science, embedded in the phenomenon-based teaching and the three dimensions. Learn more here.
Partner Feature
Partners featured in the NSELA E-Navigator support NSELA at the Einstein, Carver, or Curie levels. We are grateful to all our partners and appreciate their support. Click the button to learn more about the benefits of an NSELA partnership.
In what ways is science education leadership important to/in your organization?
ExploreLearning was founded in 1999 by educators looking for new ways to inspire students and help them succeed with math and science. Our innovative math and science solutions are now used in classrooms in every state and over 50 countries worldwide. Our diverse team – made up of educators, developers, scientists, mathematicians, instructional and visual designers, content experts, analysts, and more – works together alongside leaders in the science education space to bring teachers and students the highest quality learning experiences.
How does your organization support science education leaders?
ExploreLearning promotes professional excellence with digital STEM tools teachers and administrators can easily implement to enhance and monitor student learning. We believe science educators need relevant, ongoing professional development and content-specific training. Our robust professional development team develops and delivers on-demand and in-person training to help educators use Science4Us (https://www.science4us.com/pd) and Gizmos (https://gizmos.explorelearning.com/support/) most effectively.
Why did you want to partner with NSELA?
We want to partner with NSELA to collaborate with science education leaders and support teachers with content customized to their expressed needs. Additionally, we would like to learn alongside others, gain access to resources, and engage with the latest trends in the larger science community. ExploreLearning is dedicated to sharing best practices, engaging in joint initiatives and research opportunities, and continuously growing.
Read the entire Partnership Feature here.
Ring in the new year with fresh ideas and best practices to transform STEM learning. Join the ExploreLearning team in this NSELA partner webinar. Register here.
Advertise in the NSELA Newsletter
Would your organization like to reach the science leadership audience that is NSELA? Or do you know of an organization that would like to advertise? View this brochure to learn more! Please pass along to your colleagues.
SAFER LABS: Be Protected! By Dr. Ken Roy, NSELA Safety Compliance Officer
Science Instructional Space Safety Signage
This blog post will inform science teachers and supervisors about common safety signage they should have in their instructional spaces (e.g., laboratories, classrooms) and related sites (e.g., preparation rooms, storerooms). Some markings are required by legal safety standards (e.g., OSHA, National Fire Protection Association [NFPA]), and others are strongly recommended by better professional safety practices (e.g., NSTA, National Science Education Leadership Association [NSELA], American Chemical Society [ACS]).
Thank you to our Partners!
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