In what ways is science education leadership important to/in your organization?
At Vernier, our roots are deeply connected to science education leadership, both in our history and in our mission. Co-founded by a passionate educator in 1981, we have been developing data-collection technology to advance science education and engage students through hands-on learning for more than 40 years. Our mission is to create a more STEM-literate society, and fostering strong leadership in science education is essential to this goal.
By collaborating with leaders in the science education space through national and regional organizations, conferences, and research groups, we stay attuned to the real-world challenges that students, teachers, and administrators face. These partnerships help us find new ways to better support educators and foster the next generation of curious, engaged, and STEM-literate students.
How does your organization support science education leaders?
Vernier is deeply invested in the future of STEM education, and that means supporting the leaders who shape it. We recently crystallized our long-term commitment to the science education community by transitioning to a Perpetual Purpose Trust ownership model—ensuring that Vernier will always prioritize our mission to support science education leaders, teachers, and students over profits. This decision empowers us to give back to the community through financial, educational, and professional support to further science and science education, which is what we believe in and why we exist.
Our partnerships with groups like NSELA and NSTA keep us connected with educational leaders, helping us tailor support for individual partners in specific and meaningful ways. This can take the shape of sponsorships and grants, PD and training, opportunities to collaborate on programs or products, as well as public advocacy for stronger science education policies. Additionally, we run programs like the Vernier Trendsetters Community, which supports inspiring educators in becoming future science leaders, and organize grant programs to help fund teachers and their innovative projects.
Why did you want to partner with NSELA?
We value our long-standing partnership with NSELA for their efforts to elevate comprehensive conversations about the state of STEM education at a national level. NSELA is a crucial forum where we can really listen to what our education leaders are thinking, hear what their pain points are, understand their challenges, and learn about big picture patterns in education. NSELA’s mission—maximizing effective science teaching in ever-changing educational landscapes—aligns with many of our own values at Vernier.
Our collaboration with NSELA allows us to contribute to the wider goals of enhancing science literacy. Since 2017, we have sponsored the Vernier Emerging Science Education Leader Scholarship (VESELS) Award, which supports the professional growth, mentorship, and development of emerging science leaders across the country.
We always welcome conversations with NSELA members, so if you have questions or want to speak with us about needs in your district, please reach out to our team at