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National Science Education Leadership Association

Supporting science education leadership since 1959

Nancy Besley Leadership Spotlight

July 17, 2024 11:30 PM | Shannon Wachowski (Administrator)

Nancy Besley
Florida Foundation for Future Scientists

What is your background in science education before your current role (teaching, degrees, etc.)

  • M.ED, Science Curriculum, and M.ED, Educational Leadership

  • Science Teacher, Learning Resource Specialist, Instructional Leader/Mentor

  • Fair Director, Orange County Regional Science and Engineering Fair (18 Years)

  • Middle School Science Curriculum Committee

  • Consultant, Middle School Certification Component – Writing Team and Trainer 

  • Science Curriculum Frameworks Committee (FDOE) – 1985

Can you describe your current leadership role in your district?

I have been the Executive director for  the nonprofit organization, Florida Foundation for Future Scientists for the past 24 years.  We administer the State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – an annual event run only by volunteers.  I collaborate with 37 affiliated Fairs throughout the state of Florida to provide a great opportunity for science research students.

In addition to your leadership role in Florida Foundation for Future Scientists, what other leadership activities are you involved with? (e.g. publications, presentations, professional association involvement, volunteer work, etc.)

I serve as the treasurer for the Florida Association of Science Teachers and serve as the coordinator for the annual F.A.S.T conference workshops and concurrent sessions. I am also the Parliamentarian, Florida Association for Science Supervisors. As a retired educator (mostly), I consider my role in FAST to motivate and encourage the science leadership to build capacity for science leadership in the state of Florida.

My involvement with the science and engineering fair affiliation system, (regional, state, international) has allowed me to increase the capacity for leadership in both science educators and students. 

Why did you join NSELA and what are you most looking forward to as a member?

We are fortunate to be able to join NSELA through our FASS membership.  I look forward to staying focused on science learning – even in my retirement

What has been a success of your leadership in your district that you are proud of? What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of being able to continue to build capacity for leadership in science education in the state of Florida.  I am proud of the organizations I work with and their focus on building leadership.

What's the best advice anyone has given you as a science leader?

Being a lifelong learner is key to anyone involved in being a leader in education. I was fortunate to be offered many learning challenges and experiences during my 40 years with Orange County Public Schools.  I was able to build a support network and pursue my aspirations throughout my career. 

What advice do you have for those pursuing science leadership?

A classroom science teacher is a science leader! Science is ever evolving.  Staying current with current trends, new innovations, and staying updated with the latest research is critical to making the classroom exciting.  Science educators have many opportunities to participate in real-life local, state, and national science experiences. They should pursue professional learning through leadership training, workshops, and/or seminars.  It is important to take courses involving educational leadership and strategic planning.  Also, working in an inclusive environment where colleagues feel their contributions are valued and collaboration leads to innovation.

I could not be successful in science leadership without ______________. 

I couldn't be successful in science leadership without collaboration with colleagues and the science community.  I believe that having strong relationships with colleagues to build a culture of trust, gratitude, and appreciation is important to provide great learning experiences and opportunities for students.  

How do you get to know your colleagues/students and build relationships with them? What questions do you ask or what actions do you take?

Communication with colleagues/students is essential.  Listening and understanding the perspectives and aspirations of others allows me to motivate and encourage people to pursue their aspirations and goals.  We collaborate on what resources are needed to do this.

How do your hobbies outside of science leadership contribute to your professional life?

I enjoy being with people, attending college sports, and traveling.  Being curious and interacting with others contributes to leadership.

What are you reading for enjoyment?  

I belong to a Book Club and we read a variety of fiction in all areas – books with good character development and historical novels.

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