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National Science Education Leadership Association

Supporting science education leadership since 1959

Volume 28 n2 - The NGSS and the historical direction of science education reform

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OPINION: A RESPONSE TO THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES’ 2021 CALL TO ACTION Authors Lesley J. Shapiro, Classical High School Rudolf V. Kraus, Rhode Island College Abstract The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) claim to be an evolution of previous work. Yet prominent voices in the science education community argue that they are a revolution. This study sought to examine these competing claims by analyzing an older middle school science curriculum through the lens of the NGSS. This analysis demonstrates that substantial alignment between the NGSS and older curricula can and does occur. There have been historically important precursors to reform-based science teaching and recognizing this more complex history may help us to advocate for better science education for all students. Keywords NGSS, textbook analysis, inquiry, science education reform Citation Shapiro, L.J. & Kraus, R.V. (2022). The NGSS and the historical direction of science education reform. Science Educator, 28(2), 63-74.
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