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National Science Education Leadership Association

Supporting science education leadership since 1959

NSELA Partner Webinar: Moving to 3D Learning with Data Collection Technology

  • December 06, 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Online - Zoom


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NSELA Partner Webinar: Vernier Science Education


Teachers sometimes struggle with incorporating data-collection technology into three-dimensional learning. We will show you sample lessons that incorporate the power of technology and best applications of the 3D Inquiry Cycle. By the end of the webinar, leaders will have the tools to help classroom teachers transition from traditional technology-based labs to full-fledged 3D lessons. 


Ann Hammersly and Lori Andersen

Ann is the Director of District Outreach for Vernier Science Education, and her professional focus is helping districts implement Vernier technology. She is a former physics and chemistry teacher and science department chair and a long-time member of NSELA, including terms as Region Director and Treasurer. 

Lori is the Senior Instructional Designer for Vernier Science Education, and her work focuses on making technology-enabled, three-dimensional science teaching and learning accessible for all students. She has been a curriculum researcher, large-scale assessment developer, science methods professor, and National Board Certified physics teacher.

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