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National Science Education Leadership Association

Supporting science education leadership since 1959

Newsletter Advertisments

  • December 31, 2025




The NSELA newsletter is published approximately monthly and it is distributed with the latest science education news and information for leaders across the United States.


The newsletter is delivered to circulation of over 3,000 subscribers. The readership consists of science education leaders in the United States including teacher, teacher leaders, school and district administrators, supervisors, coordinators, university faculty in science and science education, and others in the science education community.


All sponsor and reading notices are subject to review and the NSELA acceptance policy:

Sponsored content should be consistent with the NSELA Position Statements.

  • The sponsor assumes liability for all content (including text representation and illustrations) of material printed, and also assumes responsibility for any claims arising there from.
  • Where a change or update is not received by closing date, the material will be inserted as previously rendered.



Size (in pixels)

 Files Size



 500 x 150  40k  $350


 250 x 250  40k  $250

 Sponsored Text

 150 x 150  40k  $150


There will not be cancellations after space reservation deadline date. Failure to notify publisher will result in full charge at the prevailing rate. All cancellations must be made in writing.

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